Breakfast turned out to be Scrambled Eggs with Broccolini and Garlic roasted potatoes, garlic and a pasilla pepper with warmed up Kalamata Olive Bread and Garden Patch Veggie Juice. Amber and Kayle came here for breakfast and Cory cooked the eggs. Not rushed, but Cory did have to get on the road so I visited a few hours with Amber and Kayle before just relaxing the rest of the day.
Trader Joe's prepared the Mushroom Marinara Manicotti for my dinner. No singing or dancing or excess celebrating of any kind but a beautiful, happy and relaxing day.
I'm finally 'comfortable' with dinner parties and spontaneous company. More to do around here though and once it is done I'll be feeling right at home.
Monday, December 14, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
End of Another Year
Tomorrow I reach my 72 year Milestone. I am quite UP about it. I'm sure it helps that I had such a wonderful getaway to Vancouver, WA, where I was able to see old friends and experience the neighborhood once again. Seeing Michael for lunch at PDX was also an indescribable treat. Could be that my prospective house mate has also lifted my spirits. Cory is a motivator and an upbeat companion as well as my handyman.
Tomorrow I will open my package and card from Karin and from Willa before going to breakfast with Amber, Kayle and Cory.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
First Dinner Party at my New Home
The past few months I've had the help of a productive handyman. I pay Cory $10 an hour for any help he can provide around the home. This week we concentrated on getting my unpacked boxes to storage. You know, those things that have value but you aren't using them to full advantage and aren't quite willing to part with just yet.
I have managed to look into all but the last half dozen or so boxes and disposed of several of them to my satisfaction.
The dining room and kitchen are really getting there and last night I celebrated with Roast Turkey and fixins for Cory and Amber and Kayle. Lots of laughter and conversation. We even watched a movie afterward.
This picture represents the current state of the dining room.

I have managed to look into all but the last half dozen or so boxes and disposed of several of them to my satisfaction.
The dining room and kitchen are really getting there and last night I celebrated with Roast Turkey and fixins for Cory and Amber and Kayle. Lots of laughter and conversation. We even watched a movie afterward.
This picture represents the current state of the dining room.

Friday, November 27, 2009
Black Friday
Vienna Sourdough Toast with Peanut Butter×
Milk ×
Orange Slices
Cornbread Dressing ×
Green Bean Casserole ×
Milk ×
Orange Slices
Cornbread Dressing ×
Green Bean Casserole ×
I am Thankful for...
A warm, clean place to lie my head at night. Adequate food to keep me healthy. Family and friends to provide the emotional support that keeps us loved and happy.
In spite of my usual isolationism I had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner experience. Cory invited me to the Sarabia's where a collection of 14 guests met in casual convivialness. I watched the Cowboys trounce the Raiders and ate a modest dinner surrounded by casual conversation.
Awakened by a 'nightmare' of sorts I will be up knitting for awhile in the middle of the night.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Doctor Checkup
Reckoning day has come. I might have to account for my decision NOT to take the Metformin as prescribed.
Didn't come down to that. I neglected to mention the medication and we didn't address the issue. I'll see how the blood insulin test works out and maybe it will be a moot one. If not it might require a decision to actuall do something the doctor suggests.
Veronica verified my suspician of a hairline fracture along the outer edge of my right foot. I now have a lump that is palpable there. Only instruction is for me to stay off the uneven surfaces.
Didn't come down to that. I neglected to mention the medication and we didn't address the issue. I'll see how the blood insulin test works out and maybe it will be a moot one. If not it might require a decision to actuall do something the doctor suggests.
Veronica verified my suspician of a hairline fracture along the outer edge of my right foot. I now have a lump that is palpable there. Only instruction is for me to stay off the uneven surfaces.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
I watched with delight as Max stalked and caught the 1st mouse. He was outside and focused on the bird seed that had fallen on the ground. Max was happy to catch and kill it and began patrolling its pathway from the garage to the house. I vowed to buy traps to deal with the problem but still haven't done that a week later.
Now I've seen 3 mice inside the house. The 1st scampered under the stove to get away from behind the cabinets. It was next found hiding behind a box and I let Max catch and kill it. Max has now TASTED BLOOD. I'm not sure that is a good thing.
Today as I washed last night's dishes a slightly larger gray mouse ran along the counter behind the sink and down behind the fridge. I next saw him scurrying along the dining room wall headed for shelter in the storage closet.
The plan is to 1st buy Door Sweeps for the Storage Closet door and the Garage door. I will then place Peppermint Oil soaked cotton balls in the closet and in the garage. Supposedly it creates a hostile environment for the mice. The garage will have to be cleaned out and secured to whatever extent possible.
Steel Wool stuffed in access holes should keep them out of the house and garage and hopefully the Peppermint will repel them.
Whether or not they have found shelter in unpacked boxes is a current mystery. Max has already torn apart one box which was headed for the sewing room. I will get into that box to see if there is the start of a nest (or mouse pee). Time to convert to Plastic Storage Containers for those things I just have to keep.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
And for Today
More yard work. I'd like to get the rest of the gravel out of the carport so I can park there. There is probably plenty of room for it along the West side of the yard. I also need 3 more stepping stones to complete the pathway through my gravel garden. It is looking good. The sidewalk area needs cleanup and I want to rethink the placement of container plantings.
I'll also want to breakdown the rest of the styrofoam for next weeks garbage pickup and gather whatever recyclables I have.
I've made the decision to move the unpacked file storage boxes to a storage unit for the 'interim'. Once 'home' is shaped up the way it should be I can think about getting the contents of those boxes dealt with. Some of it is just plain indecision and procrastination.
Cooking Okinawan today complete with sticky white rice.
I'll also want to breakdown the rest of the styrofoam for next weeks garbage pickup and gather whatever recyclables I have.
I've made the decision to move the unpacked file storage boxes to a storage unit for the 'interim'. Once 'home' is shaped up the way it should be I can think about getting the contents of those boxes dealt with. Some of it is just plain indecision and procrastination.
Cooking Okinawan today complete with sticky white rice.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Those little green suckers finally got to me. I made both a Tomatillo Pie and Tomatillo Jelly. Not sure whether or not it will be edible. I noticed a strong after taste which might have been the Sugar Twin I used instead of real sugar. I might also have added too much chili powder. It was great in the sauce for the beans but perhaps it didn't belong with the lemon juice and sugar.
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Starting With Intentions
The plan for the day is to finish off a Garbage Can Garage in the NW corner of the front yard. To complete my Zen Gravel Garden look I'm considering a Bamboo screen to disguise it. Learned yesterday that Ace will have a 50% off sale Halloween weekend. That would be a great time to pickup any shrubs or perennials I might be wanting. They have some Viburnum that looks great and a Meyer Lemon for $50 that I'm thinking I want.
Monday, October 12, 2009
Breakfast at Amber and Kyle's
Cory picked my brains about growing up in the 40s, 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s while Amber and 'big' John Mz fixed breakfast. We had a delicious Smoked Salmon Salsa on Ciabatta and Onion Bagels with roasted veggies and avocado. I finally met the 'enemy' and he wasn't all that terrifying.
Cory will spend a few hours here today helping me out in the front yard. My goal is to fix a place for the Garbage Can 'Garage' and level the gravel in the front yard and get it all tamped down and settled in for the winter. Bought Concrete Cloverleaf Pavers for the Garbage Garage and contrasting stepping stones for the Zen Gravel Garden. Raked the gravel and started on the garbage can area. Transplanted the Jasmine and Foxglove to the West Side Fence area. Watered it all down to get the 'settling' started. Tomorrow the paver area gets completed.
Finished Karin's Devil Hat for Halloween and now I am starting on a green one for her friend Sam.

I have a skein of Lion Wool in Lemongrass which should be perfect for his use. Then I will get started on a 3rd hat for Tracie. I really should knit up a bunch of these to give away as Christmas gifts to my widening circle of 'followers'.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Damn, I Forgot to Mail a Birthday Card
Diane's 73rd birthday is tomorrow. For once I bought the card on time but then I misplaced it on the Dining Room table. Bummer. She will get another e-Card.
The day is starting out cold (41 degrees) and overcast with lots of moisture in the air. My inclination is to bundle up with a knitting project and eat comfort food and drink hot liquids.
I'll go buy 4 more stepping stones for the pathway through the Zen Garden. Might prepare a space at the fence for the garbage can storage. It will require transplanting the Jasmine and Foxglove. I will definitely try to get the remaining gravel inside and off my driveway.
Beyond that I need to finish the Devil Hat and start on a Beanie with ear flaps for Sam in an underwater green.
The day is starting out cold (41 degrees) and overcast with lots of moisture in the air. My inclination is to bundle up with a knitting project and eat comfort food and drink hot liquids.
I'll go buy 4 more stepping stones for the pathway through the Zen Garden. Might prepare a space at the fence for the garbage can storage. It will require transplanting the Jasmine and Foxglove. I will definitely try to get the remaining gravel inside and off my driveway.
Beyond that I need to finish the Devil Hat and start on a Beanie with ear flaps for Sam in an underwater green.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Not Much of a Day except...
When Amber and Kyle came by last night to watch a movie they had to bring their own A/V cable. Today I went to Radio Shack for: A/V Cable, RCA Universal Remote and a Surge Protector for the living room.
I actually left the house to pickup some dessert. I particularly wanted Marie Callander's Apple Crumb Cobbler but 1st walked by the Tillamook Freezer and picked up a half gallon of Banana Split Ice Cream.
Tomorrow I will hang a picture or two downstairs and work on finishing the gravel transfer.
I actually left the house to pickup some dessert. I particularly wanted Marie Callander's Apple Crumb Cobbler but 1st walked by the Tillamook Freezer and picked up a half gallon of Banana Split Ice Cream.
Tomorrow I will hang a picture or two downstairs and work on finishing the gravel transfer.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Great Day of Production
The slider trim is finally done. Now I need to caulk it. After that I will start adding the Faux Wallpaper on that wall. I am quite pleased. This place is shaping up.
Dan gave me good advice on the landscaping project. Actually advised lowering the level of the gravel garden and adding a cedar border to prevent drift. Need to incorporate a space for garbage can storage that is both useful and attractive. He also supplied a clue as to how to get through the winter without replacing the siding. It is inexpensive and doable with caulk and a decent ladder.
Good progress with organization today. More clutter dealt with. Managed to find a few things that were misplaced in unpacked boxes. I did a bit of knitting on the blue shawl wrap. And best of all managed to work in a long nap (important since I've been up since 4 a.m. today.
Dan gave me good advice on the landscaping project. Actually advised lowering the level of the gravel garden and adding a cedar border to prevent drift. Need to incorporate a space for garbage can storage that is both useful and attractive. He also supplied a clue as to how to get through the winter without replacing the siding. It is inexpensive and doable with caulk and a decent ladder.
Good progress with organization today. More clutter dealt with. Managed to find a few things that were misplaced in unpacked boxes. I did a bit of knitting on the blue shawl wrap. And best of all managed to work in a long nap (important since I've been up since 4 a.m. today.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Woke up Full of It
I've moved another 5-6 cartloads of pea gravel and now I am taking a break. I have a few errands to run and some boxes to unpack and dispose of. I might do more later if the spirit moves me. It looks as if 5 or 6 more will provide minimal coverage and then I will need to fill in depressions, level it out and strategically place the stepping stones. I'm not sure how much gravel is left at this point but I would estimate 3/4 ton+. It's nowhere near photodocumentation time yet.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
It's turning out to be a somewhat lackluster day. No interest in getting much done. I did however clean the kitchen and unload the dryer twice and fold the clean clothes.
I am doing small cleanup projects out front. This morning Max found a mouse. It was camping out behind the dog box and Max got into the box and growled and snarled at the tiny mouse until it ran off. I think Max was finally able to track it along the fence. It looks as if it is attracted by the overflow from the bird feeder so I moved the feeder to the backyard. Left 2 finch socks out front just in case they are still around and hungry.
I need to move more gravel today but I want to tidy up the yard and breakdown some cardboard boxes before I do that.
I awoke way too early (before 5 a.m.) and feel as if my clock is 'off'. Perhaps after a short nap I will find some inspiration and get the old body moving.
I managed to move another 4 garden carts of pea gravel. I think about a ton of it is now inside the yard. Tomorrow I will make an effort to finish off the main area I want covered and then will expand the Zen Gravel Garden until the gravel is gone.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Pea Gravel and Other Landscaping Ideas
Yesterday Wes Green Landscaping delivered 2 tons of Pea Gravel and dropped it in my driveway. I was able to move about 50 2-gallon buckets of it into the front yard with minimal effort. This is a snapshot of how I left it yesterday.
When complete the stepping stones will be nestled into the pea gravel and provide some stable footing. As you can see even the doggie footsteps are visible in the thick gravel.
Today I will use Sandy's Garden Cart to move the bulk of it inside the fence. This is probably the most economical way to deal with the drainage problems of the front yard while putting in a Xerascape.
For plants I can have containers, including a Wine Barrel with a Meyer Lemon and a well pruned fruit tree. The Tea Rose and the Hummingbird Plant seem to be doing alright but need daily supervision. The left side of the yard will be the wet area with Forest and shade loving favorites like ferns, Azalea and Rhododendrons all planted in the ground and lovingly tended by yours truly. I haven't made any decisions about the morning glories. They are beautiful while blooming but a bother most of the time. For the time being the Tulip Bulbs will go into containers to pop into the ground when they start blooming in the spring.
Hauled an additional 5 carts of gravel into the front yard and roughly spread it. Then I drove to Ace in McKinleyville for a Garden Rake to more or less level out what is there. It's 70 at 1:30 p.m. and I might just do some EASY gardening now. I have a Weed Eater that would make short work of the weeds out there. I'm thinking some clean up of the green stuff is in order. There are also some cardboard boxes to flatten and recycle. I can keep busy in the yard without working up a sweat.
While at Ace I priced 12" round stepping stones in Terra Cotta to alternate with the aggregate stones that were here. I think that would dress up the pathway a bit. This will all come together over time to make for a comfortable, clean, environmentally stable landscape.

Today I will use Sandy's Garden Cart to move the bulk of it inside the fence. This is probably the most economical way to deal with the drainage problems of the front yard while putting in a Xerascape.
For plants I can have containers, including a Wine Barrel with a Meyer Lemon and a well pruned fruit tree. The Tea Rose and the Hummingbird Plant seem to be doing alright but need daily supervision. The left side of the yard will be the wet area with Forest and shade loving favorites like ferns, Azalea and Rhododendrons all planted in the ground and lovingly tended by yours truly. I haven't made any decisions about the morning glories. They are beautiful while blooming but a bother most of the time. For the time being the Tulip Bulbs will go into containers to pop into the ground when they start blooming in the spring.
Hauled an additional 5 carts of gravel into the front yard and roughly spread it. Then I drove to Ace in McKinleyville for a Garden Rake to more or less level out what is there. It's 70 at 1:30 p.m. and I might just do some EASY gardening now. I have a Weed Eater that would make short work of the weeds out there. I'm thinking some clean up of the green stuff is in order. There are also some cardboard boxes to flatten and recycle. I can keep busy in the yard without working up a sweat.
While at Ace I priced 12" round stepping stones in Terra Cotta to alternate with the aggregate stones that were here. I think that would dress up the pathway a bit. This will all come together over time to make for a comfortable, clean, environmentally stable landscape.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Uncomfortable with the Inevitable
Made contact with Robin yesterday only to learn it would be a matter of hours for Lisa. Why is it that when faced with death the mind grasps for solutions to the problem? The inevitable comes no matter what survivors may feel. R.I.P. Lisa, the struggle is over.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Taking Care of Business
First of the month and flush with cash. Rent, Utilities, Dues. Source the Pea Gravel and arrange for delivery. Stopped by Wes Green's and arranged for delivery of 2 tons of pea gravel. Won't get here until Monday. That is OK. Hope I can handle this project. It is a relatively inexpensive way to eliminate the front yard landscaping issues.
Yarn for Devil Hat for Karin. Get started on it as a Halloween Surprise. Here's the beanie before the horns and ear flaps. I bought some really fine wool yarn to make it and it may last her a lifetime.

Yarn for Devil Hat for Karin. Get started on it as a Halloween Surprise. Here's the beanie before the horns and ear flaps. I bought some really fine wool yarn to make it and it may last her a lifetime.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
Modest Headgear
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Not getting all that far. Hung some hooks to improve organization and will move the bookcase to another wall. Decluttering the bedroom is a large task but someone's got to do it. I prefer to live with possibilities instead of barriers.
Visited Amber and Kyle for awhile today. Ate some bean soup, discussed their plans for painting their house and took documentary photos of Amber's painting.
Yesterday I called to wish Bob a Happy 69th Birthday. This is the time of year that we are 69, 70 and 71.
Visited Amber and Kyle for awhile today. Ate some bean soup, discussed their plans for painting their house and took documentary photos of Amber's painting.
Yesterday I called to wish Bob a Happy 69th Birthday. This is the time of year that we are 69, 70 and 71.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Flylady as Inspiration
This week's focus is on the Bedroom. I started today by hanging the Gold Silk Damask Chinese Lantern as my main light in the Master bedroom. Mission of the day is to clear off the Dresser. There are other surfaces that need attention as well. Let's see how I do today. Perhaps there will be a new and improved environment.

This is the Essence of the lighting scheme. The switch sits at the head of the bed giving me total control of the late evening atmosphere.

This is the Essence of the lighting scheme. The switch sits at the head of the bed giving me total control of the late evening atmosphere.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Lisa ...
Robin texted me last night that the doctors have decided no radiation for her Esophageal Cancer. It has metastasized and is now Stage 4 with stomach and lung involvement. Let's pray for strength and hope.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Tight Economic Times
Rather than increase the debt balance in this household I am holding to a 'pay as you go' plan for home improvement. What that means exactly is that I prioritize and delay needed repairs and maintenance until I can 'comfortably' afford to pay the plumber, electrician and/or handyman out of current monthly income.
In September I'm coming down to the wire after having paid to have my frontyard prepared to deal with potential winter drainage problems. Cory, my friend and hard working handyman, has moved about 3" of river silt from the front yard into the back yard where it will be mixed with brown and green matter to create a topsoil suited for planting an English Garden of sorts. If he sticks around long enough he will be my assistant in putting pavers in the front yard so that I don't have to wade Lake VW to get from the car to the front door. That looks as if it will be a piecemeal job at best. I have developed my 'Design Intent' but it will take time and money to actually create the environmentally friendly landscape I desire. Formal, yet NOT, and temporary in the sense it can all be replaced by a yard which is more traditional if the necessity arises.
As for the inside stuff: the bathrooms work to my satisfaction except for replacement of the basins (requiring another visit from the plumber) and the vent/fans which need to be done by a professional. The one bathroom light needing replacement can be done when I'm ready to shut off the power for awhile and take care of the dimmer switch replacement as well.
Outside, the siding will need replacing ASAP. Not something I can approach lightly. For now the Window Replacement will just have to wait or be done on a piecemeal basis.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Can Do versus Finishing Something
Here I am fighting off the frequent urge to run off into the forest on another photographic adventure. The main way I've held back is to NOT organize the car for a road trip. Where does this wanderlust come from? Sometimes I feel as if I should just buy an RV that the dogs and I could travel in and take off across the country. I think it's a lack of roots at this stage of my life.
I've been resistant to making new attachments or starting anything that requires responsibility. I'm not certain it is anything new either. I've been dissatisfied for some time now with the ebb and flow of my daily life.
I have a couple of baby gifts to finalize and some knitting projects I've wanted to get busy with but I seem to have excuses for not getting to it.
The current pull is Crater Lake. I can see the drive up there, catching the lake at sunset and/or sunrise, driving on to Diamond Lake for views of Mt Thielsen. Looping down to Fort Klamath for a night in some cabin or on south to anywhere that's a likely adventure.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Insomnia Remedies
Minnie needed hand holding when she wanted out at 3 a.m. Trouble is she is now back in bed and I am wide awake a few hours earlier than planned. I can either make the most of the opportunity and get busy doing something or lay back down and toss restlessly for a couple of hours. I think I know what I am choosing to do.
I got back in bed for a continued rest. My back is still aching from the strain I put on it yesterday. I am able to walk up and down the stairs if I am careful but I should take it easy again today and see if it will heal properly. Perhaps a hot soak in Epsom Salts with soothe the muscle spasms.
Prescription refills, haircut, Driver's License... all things I could get done today.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Fighting the Urge
to ride off into the sunset with dogs and camera. If I dally long enough it will be too late to make it much of an adventure.
Crater Lake has been calling to me. Not sure why since I've been there enough times to get the pictures I want but I'm antsy for another adventure. I can see taking care of errands in Grants Pass and then going up to Crater Lake and Diamond Lake before looping back through Roseburg or Klamath Falls. Perhaps even coming home through the Trinity Forest.
Hungering for natural beauty in the form of lakes and forests.
Crater Lake has been calling to me. Not sure why since I've been there enough times to get the pictures I want but I'm antsy for another adventure. I can see taking care of errands in Grants Pass and then going up to Crater Lake and Diamond Lake before looping back through Roseburg or Klamath Falls. Perhaps even coming home through the Trinity Forest.
Hungering for natural beauty in the form of lakes and forests.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Moving forward at a steady pace. Small chores add up to progress.
The plumber comes tomorrow and hopefully I will end up with a bathtub and shower that is pleasing to use. I'm even having him replace the sink and faucet so that's going to be one mean bathroom when he is finished.
Next area of focus: the front yard.
The plumber comes tomorrow and hopefully I will end up with a bathtub and shower that is pleasing to use. I'm even having him replace the sink and faucet so that's going to be one mean bathroom when he is finished.
Next area of focus: the front yard.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Front Yard Landscaping
Cory, Amber's friend, took a pick to the front yard and we hauled a few cubic yards of dirt to the Community Garden. We have at least another 6 hours of work before I can order the wood chips or redwood bark. Pavers will be added decoratively to enhance the container garden.
Decision points are: What depth might actually control the drainage issues created when the neighbor constructed a concrete berm over the drainage field? How sophisticated do I want to get with the actual front yard design? What I have in mind is a beam and paver plan which includes areas of ground cover or pebbles. It will have this 'look' about it.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Refilled the Bird Feeder
Amazing. The greedy bird family returned once I topped off the 3/4 empty bird feeder. I also refilled the Finch Sock and placed it closer to the window. I will try to get photos of feeding birds. The goldfinch are quite striking.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Mysterious Absences
I haven't seen the bird family now in a few days. The food is still out there but I hear no activity anywhere near here. The finches have even stopped visiting the Finch socks.
I feel a hint of Autumn in the air and wonder if that is the reason?
I'll continue putting out bird food just in case with no expectations of 'takers'.
It is a beautiful clear day at the beach. I would love taking the dogs on an exploration but the ankle isn't ready to support much activity yet. I paid the rent and Mastercard, wrote checks for medical bills and HOA. Feel a bit productive about what I was able to get done.
Bathed and doctored Max, poor baby, and managed to get off most of Min's excess fur. Tomorrow I might opt for an adventure.
I feel a hint of Autumn in the air and wonder if that is the reason?
I'll continue putting out bird food just in case with no expectations of 'takers'.
It is a beautiful clear day at the beach. I would love taking the dogs on an exploration but the ankle isn't ready to support much activity yet. I paid the rent and Mastercard, wrote checks for medical bills and HOA. Feel a bit productive about what I was able to get done.
Bathed and doctored Max, poor baby, and managed to get off most of Min's excess fur. Tomorrow I might opt for an adventure.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Leisurely Sunday
No flocks of birds to awaken me this morning. In fact no birds were to be seen at all today except for one very attractive hawk along the freeway as I drove into Arcata. I went out looking for an open Hair Salon. No luck. Sundays are not a good day to get a haircut. Perhaps I will just settle for trimming my bangs so that I can see.
I need to break down some cardboard and prepare it for recycling. Time to tidy up around here.
I need to break down some cardboard and prepare it for recycling. Time to tidy up around here.
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Awake at 2 a.m.
For several mornings now I've woken up around 2-3 a.m. Part of the problem is ankle pain, part restless dogs, part neighborhood noise. The neighbor just turned down her radio. I can't complain because I had my TV on until a few moments ago and I am sure that noise carries too.
Today the dogs will get bathed and treated professionally for the flea problem or whatever it is that has irritated their skin. Max is just raw and Hydrocortisone and Sulfadene are not working for him. I'm beginning to suspect it is something they came in contact with on the trip. I know that fleas were a problem at Willa's but they were 'protected' beforehand and should not have reacted this much from fleas. It seems more like a food allergy than anything else. I've started brushing Minnie and that seems to help her settle a bit. I will have to force the issue today and try to get as much fur off her as possible. She can always wear a sweater instead of a fur coat.
Missed the OLLI Open House since I was unable to volunteer. I will most likely enroll online for the classes.
Today the dogs will get bathed and treated professionally for the flea problem or whatever it is that has irritated their skin. Max is just raw and Hydrocortisone and Sulfadene are not working for him. I'm beginning to suspect it is something they came in contact with on the trip. I know that fleas were a problem at Willa's but they were 'protected' beforehand and should not have reacted this much from fleas. It seems more like a food allergy than anything else. I've started brushing Minnie and that seems to help her settle a bit. I will have to force the issue today and try to get as much fur off her as possible. She can always wear a sweater instead of a fur coat.
Missed the OLLI Open House since I was unable to volunteer. I will most likely enroll online for the classes.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Thursday and Today
Ran some errands, paid some bills and did a little shopping. Enough food for a few days.
Today I need to summarize my August expenses and plan for September. I'd like to sign up for a Photography class to be offered in Sept or Oct assuming I will be able to get around sufficiently.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Remainder of the Magical Road Trip Adventure
Left Willa at 7 a.m. Monday morning. Picked up Poop Bags Don saved for me and was on my way to Gig Harbor. Took 3 hours or so and then Patti O and I were on our way south. Sharing the driving we headed south on I-5 and stopped overnight at the Valley View Motel in Canyonville, Oregon. Great room, 2 queen beds, Fridge, Microwave and TV for $80 including the dog fee of $20. I will definitely keep this in mind for any trips north. Good area for dog walks and a picnic table overlooking the river.
Dinner from the cooler and then coffee on Tuesday before heading south to Klamath River rest stop for our brunch. Sharing the driving we arrived at Dairyville between 3 and 4 p.m. I took a cat nap while Patti fixed dinner then at 5 p.m. decided to head for home.
No hesitation. Harder on Min and Max than on me. After all 10-12 hours in the car wears the nerves thin. Happy to be home in our own bed surrounded by all that is known. The ascent of the staircase was a challenge especially since I tried to carry everything I needed upstairs in one trip. I descend the stairs by scooting down one step at a time. That is basically the only secure way I can do it.
The plan for the day is to eat light, rest up, make the dogs feel at home get the garden watered and make a plan for what I might be able to achieve without stressing out.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Breakfast and Socialization
Willa is a great hostess. Last night we had Susan over for drinks and this morning we all had eggs, bacon, sausage, blueberry torte and bread. Susan even brought coffee from Starbucks and we visited until around noon.
I am being a slug. Giving the foot a chance to heal before making the long trip home.
No plans for the day. Maybe another nap, maybe not. I took 30 minutes and cleaned the car and reorganized the coolers.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Weekend in Washington (original post August 12th 2009)
Had a great idea. Why not drive to Vancouver WA for a visit to old friends? Picked up Patti O in Dairyville and made it to Portland just in time for her to catch her train on to Tacoma. Willa prepared a lovely dinner and invited Susan and Garda to join us. Great food and conversation. Even suprised Don and made plans for breakfast.
Then this morning I took a face plant off the step down into the living room. Badly sprained my right ankle (from all indications). No longer sure I will make it to the Pool Party. As of this moment I am thinking I need to go to an Urgent Care Clinic for a diagnosis of the damage incurred.
450 miles from home and my driving foot is impaired.
Then this morning I took a face plant off the step down into the living room. Badly sprained my right ankle (from all indications). No longer sure I will make it to the Pool Party. As of this moment I am thinking I need to go to an Urgent Care Clinic for a diagnosis of the damage incurred.
450 miles from home and my driving foot is impaired.
Turns out that I broke the outer bone in my right foot. 6 years later it's still painful.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Adventure on the Horizon
On Thursday I head to Red Bluff to stay overnight with Patti O. Then Friday we will head for Vancouver, WA. I will visit Willa and Patti will take the train to Tacoma to see her family (daughter, sons, grandchildren). This will give me time with friends and I'll go to Autumn Chase' Annual Pool Party. On the way home we'll visit Patti's sis at Pacific City. If things work out the way I plan Patti can come here and stay as long as she wants then I will take her home to Red Bluff and hopefully visit Cousin Chris. It's all doable for minimum bucks and sure sounds like fun to me.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
A Blank Tablet (As They Say)
A new day...and it is mine to define.
I've totally confused the wild birds by moving the bird seed and saucer to the backyard. I'm wondering how long it will take for them to locate it. In the meantime I will toss some seed into the container plants so that they can flock near the front door.
The 'plan' if there is one, is to get the remaining boxes in the hallway/dining room moved upstairs or wherever. I need some organization of sorts to calm my internal voices.
I've totally confused the wild birds by moving the bird seed and saucer to the backyard. I'm wondering how long it will take for them to locate it. In the meantime I will toss some seed into the container plants so that they can flock near the front door.
The 'plan' if there is one, is to get the remaining boxes in the hallway/dining room moved upstairs or wherever. I need some organization of sorts to calm my internal voices.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
As I Thought About The Problem At Hand
I came to the conclusion that the least I could do would be to move the boxes from the living room to whatever space they belong in (bedroom, kitchen, long term storage). If I have no present (or anticipated future) use for whatever is in the boxes they will have to go live elsewhere.
A community yard sale is planned for next weekend. I can probably be ready by then to share the wealth with anyone who saunters over and expresses any interest in what I have. So, with that in mind. Boxes of things to get rid of can be set aside for the yard sale. Boxes of things to definitely keep will go to their appropriate location. Storage solutions will then be developed for the things that choose to stay.
This actually sounds a bit simplistic. I hope I can make it all work as I imagine.
A community yard sale is planned for next weekend. I can probably be ready by then to share the wealth with anyone who saunters over and expresses any interest in what I have. So, with that in mind. Boxes of things to get rid of can be set aside for the yard sale. Boxes of things to definitely keep will go to their appropriate location. Storage solutions will then be developed for the things that choose to stay.
This actually sounds a bit simplistic. I hope I can make it all work as I imagine.
Friday, August 14, 2009
3 1/2 Months in Arcata
Still living in a CARDBOARD JUNGLE.
The inability to decide what to keep and where to keep it is crippling. Each day I look at the unpacked boxes and freeze. I should be busy organizing my living space but so far I've been unable to come to grips with it. Wouldn't it be nice to have access to what I deem important enough to pay for moving it?
What's needed in my life is some discipline and motivation. Now how do I go about achieving that?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Another Night of Active Dreams
Some of the same people in my consciousness as I awoke this morning. People long gone and out of my mind for awhile. Wonder just what the trigger is.
I'm starting the day with no particular plans. The sun is out and to the East it looks bright and beautiful. To the west that Marine Layer or low fog is hanging on the beach. After I am showered and cleaned up a bit I might consider an adventure of some sort.
Max woke up with a limp this morning. He resists all attempts at an examination. I will look his feet and paws over good and if it persists we'll need to go to a local vet. It looks as if it might have been a thorn in one of his toes. There are blackberry bushes in the backyard where he has been digging at the earth.
Ordered the wallpaper for the dining room and kitchen. Fortunately I have enough leftover to cover the Slider wall and can start on that tomorrow. Unfortunately the rest is on backorder until the end of the month. I can live with that.
I'm starting the day with no particular plans. The sun is out and to the East it looks bright and beautiful. To the west that Marine Layer or low fog is hanging on the beach. After I am showered and cleaned up a bit I might consider an adventure of some sort.
Max woke up with a limp this morning. He resists all attempts at an examination. I will look his feet and paws over good and if it persists we'll need to go to a local vet. It looks as if it might have been a thorn in one of his toes. There are blackberry bushes in the backyard where he has been digging at the earth.
Ordered the wallpaper for the dining room and kitchen. Fortunately I have enough leftover to cover the Slider wall and can start on that tomorrow. Unfortunately the rest is on backorder until the end of the month. I can live with that.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Contemplative Mode
Mode or Mood? I woke up early after dreaming of friends long gone. Sometimes I wonder just where those dreams come from. I spent some time cleaning up the kitchen: dishes, polish the sink, sweep the floors, hang a calendar, check the laundry status. Time to do another load of wash.
I'm slowly easing myself into my day. Next big task is to move boxes upstairs to the sewing room and to vacuum the entire house. I might be ready for some electrical switch replacement. Takes forever to get me to do something when I haven't a clue as to what I am doing. I'll brag about whatever gets done later.
I believe I might have settled on just what I would like to do with the front yard. I need to jot my current ideas down and do a cost estimate before I get going with it.
Placed an internet order for Hearthstone Multi to get that Kitchen and Dining Room papered as planned. I have some leftover so will start around the slider and get that door finished out.
I'm slowly easing myself into my day. Next big task is to move boxes upstairs to the sewing room and to vacuum the entire house. I might be ready for some electrical switch replacement. Takes forever to get me to do something when I haven't a clue as to what I am doing. I'll brag about whatever gets done later.
I believe I might have settled on just what I would like to do with the front yard. I need to jot my current ideas down and do a cost estimate before I get going with it.
Placed an internet order for Hearthstone Multi to get that Kitchen and Dining Room papered as planned. I have some leftover so will start around the slider and get that door finished out.
Monday, August 10, 2009
So Far Nothing to Speak Of
Looks as if another bright sunset might be developing and instinct tells me I am a fool not to go find a spot for photos. We don't get all that many days here as beautiful as this.
So far I've spent a quiet day. Harvested beets and picked an oversize zucchini that could feed me the entire week. Cooked an excellent Chili Verde for tonight's dinner.
Amber and Kale are all moved out and cleaning now to get their townhouse ready to rent. I will miss them and their pit bull. I love friendly neighbors.
So far I've spent a quiet day. Harvested beets and picked an oversize zucchini that could feed me the entire week. Cooked an excellent Chili Verde for tonight's dinner.
Amber and Kale are all moved out and cleaning now to get their townhouse ready to rent. I will miss them and their pit bull. I love friendly neighbors.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Plan and Execution
I'd like to see myself get a few more boxes unpacked and organized today. I can see the hallway opening up to a welcoming space. Gave several great boxes to Amber for her move into town.
If possible a day trip which includes some dog walking might be in order.
If possible a day trip which includes some dog walking might be in order.
Saturday Night
As I saw the light developing I decided to head out for Little River and see what kind of sunset pics I could get. I settled for parking along the access road and shooting across the sand and beach into the orange globe as it settled in for the night.

I stuck with it as the light ebbed and got this shot as well.

There is certainly an advantage to having rock silhouettes or other interesting detail in the foreground.
After the sun was gone I got this beach front view looking toward Trinidad.

I stuck with it as the light ebbed and got this shot as well.

There is certainly an advantage to having rock silhouettes or other interesting detail in the foreground.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

It was an absolutely beautiful day as I stopped for this shot at Cape Mendocino.
Yesterday I thought I'd try a trip to California's 'Lost Coast'. Without adequate research I headed off to Ferndale then West to Petrolia. Here I drove from Cape Mendocino aways south along incredibly desolate black sand beaches. No pullouts to speak of and definitely NO recreation points. I was a bit disappointed as I had intended to spend the day there.

As I drove through Petrolia I stopped for some fresh blackberries along the road and took pics of the Catholic Church on a rise above Mattole Road.

Glanced at the historic Mattole School and the historic Mattole Grange as I passed by and noted the unmarked right turn onto Lighthouse Road. I drove on, tired and hungry and uninterested by now in further exploration.
It was a LONG drive back through Honeydew to 101. I noted the Briceland Rd. turnoff and wondered where it might lead but my quest was getting tiresome and I kept driving on through the Redwoods and some excellent giant trees. Once I was back on 101 I took a sidetrip on Avenue of the Giants and stopped at Redcrest for a late lunch. The Eternal Tree Cafe didn't offer much in the way of healthful options. I ordered the Grilled Ham and Cheese with fries. It messed up my blood sugar and did not sit well with me.
Finally home by 5 p.m. I more or less skipped dinner, opting instead for some Cottage Cheese around 7 p.m.
Will I go back???
Probably and possibly, but most likely it will be to Shelter Cove at the south end of the 'lost coast' and inland through Briceland. There are plenty of beaches nearby to explore first.
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
New Shower Head
With the new shower head installed I decided a luxurious shower testing all the settings should be the order of the day. It turned out to be a wonderful sunny day after 12 p.m. Unfortunately I had committed to staying home. I will consult a weather report in the morning and if it looks good I might just indulge myself in an adventure of my own choosing. The Lost Coast is calling.
As the day waned and a sunset became obvious I drove the dogs to Moonstone Beach and took several pics.

Fixed a great zucchini frittata for my dinner last night.
Missed the actual setting of the sun but captured this sky at sunset. I saw the sunset developing but at that time of day I rarely have the motivation to load up the camera and dogs and go somewhere for a great shot. I didn't want to miss this fiery cloud action though so I wandered to the back of the Laurel Tree Day Care Center and composed a shot through the blackberry bushes.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Walking on the Hammond Trail
Yesterday I loaded up the dogs and drove over to the Hammond Trail access at the Mad River Bridge. We crossed the bridge then followed the dirt road along the river. Separated by a berm and thick bushes we didn't see much but I had a chance to get some pictures and the dogs were panting from their walk. I need to make this a regular thing for all 3 of us.
We watched as a farmer gathered up his hay.

And the lady scarecrow guarded a Mustard field across the street.

I chased a Bumble Bee from Thistle to Thistle.

It was a nice break from the
dog naps while I play on the computersort of day we normally lead.
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Victorian Ferndale

Toward late afternoon the sun was out and the errands were run so I took the dogs for a walk along the Eel River in Fortuna.
I stopped in Ferndale and got some pictures 1st.

This is the Gingerbread Mansion. You will find it on the local postcards. By the time I got there the sun was beneath a layer of overcast and the light was not all it could be.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Busy Analyzing My Mood
Hard to say what is going on with me BUT I think I've turned on a switch in the brain that has something to do with motivation. I'm feeling revitalized and ready to tackle the work to get myself organized and functioning like a Better Homes and Garden household. There's still an incredible list of things to do to get there but perhaps I am finally ready to knuckle down and get it all done.
It's all the little things that pile up to overwhelm me. I am taking them one at a time and making progress today. In addition to bringing somethings upstairs and putting them away I have started 2 loads of laundry and the next item on my list is to vacuum the stairway and the downstairs.
Lunch was leftovers, low calorie and healthful, well balanced. Dinner is planned so now all I need is to do the banking and a bit of shopping then get back to the moving stuff around.
Found a gold silk chinese lantern at All Under Heaven. Great price and perfect for the bedroom. Another thing off the list.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Already Past the Hump
I think it has been a good week so far. Yesterday I was particulary tired and indulged in lots of down time, both a morning and an afternoon nap. As a result I was up past 11 p.m. and actually accomplishing minor organizational tasks to satisfy at least one need.
Today I've spent more morning time on the PC but have had a good catch up chat with Peggy. Washington is burning up in terms of their current daytime temps. I am so happy to be here where I have to wear sleeves most of the day.
Today I look into structured activities for old people. Specifically I join OLLI and sign up for some classes. I also need to setup the DVD and get started with the Kick Butt DVD that Rodale Press sent to me.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
New Approach to the Day
OK, so I checked the email and touched base with Peggy on the Messenger but now for something a little different. I will set the timer for 45 minute intervals. That is 45 minutes of productive work, 15 minutes to check the PC. Hopefully that will get me up and moving around a bit. I'll comment later on my success or lack thereof.
Saw the dietician today. She says continue with what I am doing. I now record a 4 pound weight loss in just 4 weeks. That is the rate at which I hope to regain my youth and vigor and the figure to go with it. She does emphasize activity level and I haven't yet dealt with that. I need some exercise classes or a daily walk or two.
Accu Check delivered the replacement test strips just in time for the afternoon blood sugar check. 106 after lunch.
Saw the dietician today. She says continue with what I am doing. I now record a 4 pound weight loss in just 4 weeks. That is the rate at which I hope to regain my youth and vigor and the figure to go with it. She does emphasize activity level and I haven't yet dealt with that. I need some exercise classes or a daily walk or two.
Accu Check delivered the replacement test strips just in time for the afternoon blood sugar check. 106 after lunch.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Light Duty - Almost a Day of Rest
Prepare the front door for weather stripping
Dust the window sills and wash the downstairs windows inside and out
Wipe down the frame of the slider before washing the window
Vacuum upstairs and down and damp mop the floors
Take out the trash and breakdown some cardboard for recycling√
Dust the window sills and wash the downstairs windows inside and out
Wipe down the frame of the slider before washing the window
Vacuum upstairs and down and damp mop the floors
Take out the trash and breakdown some cardboard for recycling√
Saturday, July 25, 2009

Pantry Shelves are done for the time being.√
This is the current configuration. Now I need to organize them for most effective use of resources. I am actually considering adding a third level giving me an additional 7 feet of storage. I'll have to think it over though to make sure it's the best use of my upgrade budget.
Took a few moments to resolve a problem with testing strips. I am very impressed with Accu Check Customer Service.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Continue on with the Simplification Theme
Managed to get a few things accomplished yesterday but not as far as I want to be yet. Today I need to get ready for a trip downtown for errands. 2 parts and I can finish off the pantry shelves. That seems to be one overriding goal. The other is to revamp the PC setup in the corner of the bedroom. If I keep this distraction in here it has got to be organized and attractive rather than the mass of paper and things stacked everywhere.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
A few things to do today
1. Clear the living room of all boxes that can go elsewhere
2. Open the Picture Boxes and start hanging pictures
3. Move the Pine Armoire into the Master Bedroom and get it organized
2. Open the Picture Boxes and start hanging pictures
3. Move the Pine Armoire into the Master Bedroom and get it organized
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Action Plan
1. Mollie Bolts behind all shelf standards
2. Finish putting up the pantry shelves
3. General straightening up
2. Finish putting up the pantry shelves
3. General straightening up
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Living in my Cardboard Jungle
Took a long look this afternoon at the state of the living room and dining room and decided I need to dedicate a few days to getting the place in order. I should just go ahead and deal with what needs to be done here. The upstairs is fairly tranquil and organized the way I'd like but I purposely have not dealt with the downstairs and it is getting to me.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Redwood Empire Quilt Show
Perhaps this is what I need to dredge up some interest again in Quilting. I don't think I've touched my sewing machine in 3 years.
Got the medicine cabinet up and organized.
Got the medicine cabinet up and organized.
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Another Productive??? Day
I drifted through the day yesterday, relaxed and having fun processing pictures. Didn't get anything accomplished at all. Today I MUST go shopping for a few food items. While out I will get the remaining supplies needed for the pantry/laundry room shelving project. I want to see evidence that I will live comfortably here in my chosen space. A cardboard jungle is no place for a proud woman.
I just used the CLR to remove a 'rust' stain from the downstairs bathroom basin. I am amazed at how effective it is as a cleaning product. Brought it upstairs to tackle the tub and tub surround. My initial experience with it is impressive. If I can get this bathroom in tip top shape my life will be vastly improved.
I just used the CLR to remove a 'rust' stain from the downstairs bathroom basin. I am amazed at how effective it is as a cleaning product. Brought it upstairs to tackle the tub and tub surround. My initial experience with it is impressive. If I can get this bathroom in tip top shape my life will be vastly improved.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
What'll It Be Today?
The plan is to focus on the Master Bedroom, getting enough done to make me feel organized upstairs.
1. finish the shelving project
2. unpack the 4 remaining boxes
3. attach the 'headboard' to the wall
4. pay the bills
1. finish the shelving project
2. unpack the 4 remaining boxes
3. attach the 'headboard' to the wall
4. pay the bills
Sunday, July 12, 2009
A Memorable Day
51 years ago today I married Karin's father and started off on a family life that lasted several years. 4 years ago today Frank Shriver took his last breath. I will meditate on that a bit today as I go about my routine.
I have no more excuses. I picked up the Lancet Drums from Walgreens and now I am fully operational in terms of measuring my blood sugar. I'm also the 2nd day on Nutritional Supplements that might ward off the creep toward full blown Diabetes.
Walked the dogs along the Public Marina in Eureka and spotted a photogenic scene for later photo ops.
Now it's organization of the bedroom shelves.
I have no more excuses. I picked up the Lancet Drums from Walgreens and now I am fully operational in terms of measuring my blood sugar. I'm also the 2nd day on Nutritional Supplements that might ward off the creep toward full blown Diabetes.
Walked the dogs along the Public Marina in Eureka and spotted a photogenic scene for later photo ops.
Now it's organization of the bedroom shelves.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Getting a Slow Start
I've had breakfast, planned the day's meals, updated the PC and made sure the dogs are fed and had their R & R. I need to run a few errands today then finish off the pantry area in the Laundry Room and tackle another small repair project that I can easily handle alone. There is still a lot to do here and much of it needs assistance of one sort or another. I'll report back after the fact on today's progress.
Walgreen's gave me the strips and lancets I need for testing at no charge! I saved 20 cents a gallon on gas by filling up at Costco and found the nutritional supplements I wanted at GNC. Wrote off the other errands. I can always do it tomorrow and that will give me another excuse to go out.
Walgreen's gave me the strips and lancets I need for testing at no charge! I saved 20 cents a gallon on gas by filling up at Costco and found the nutritional supplements I wanted at GNC. Wrote off the other errands. I can always do it tomorrow and that will give me another excuse to go out.
Friday, July 10, 2009
Good Plans are not Always Followed
I had good intentions but as the day wore on my plans just seemed to fall apart. Slept in again today and I'm not sure why I felt the need to do so. Planned to get some errands done in Eureka but as noon rolled around my plans got set aside and I focused instead on doing a few maintenance/upgrade type projects. Finally getting around to those shelves in the laundry room/pantry area. Don't know why I am dragging my feet except that it is a challenge because I haven't really done it before. I found one wood veneer 12" by 48" shelf to test in that spot. If it looks as good as I think it will then the area will have a professional aspect to it matching with the wood laminate. The shelves will be located high enough that there will be room for cabinets beneath them should I choose to finish it off that way.
So, I will just have to go to Eureka tomorrow morning instead, perhaps after stopping at Arcata's Farmer's Market/
So, I will just have to go to Eureka tomorrow morning instead, perhaps after stopping at Arcata's Farmer's Market/
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I feel a lazy day coming on. Woke up at 6 a.m. but was back in bed at 7 and slept until 9. Feel as if I'm moving in a haze this morning. Maybe some errands are in order or more shelf hanging. I'd like to extend the shelving in the bedroom and I haven't worked on the pantry shelves yet Getting those up would be a definite benefit.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Hand and Wrist Warmers
One down another on the needles. These are my solution to the arthritic hands. Warmth seems to help. There are a lot of knitted patterns available for fingerless gloves at varying degrees of difficulty. There's even a commercially available product, WRISTIES®, made of Polar Fleece that comes highly recommended and is a lot more economical than those offered in the local drugstore.

Bedroom Shelves

A quick peak at the under the window shelves I put up in my bedroom. Most likely there will be a 3rd shelf. This is the unfinished, unarranged look. I'll update the pic when I'm done.
And yes, I watched the Michael Jackson Memorial in its entirety. IMHO his fame and talent warranted the time spent. Now, if Palin and Sanford would just disappear...
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
New Tripod Ball Head
I have never really been happy with the Gitzo Pan and Tilt Ball Head. It was very expensive back in the 80s and I've used that expense to justify lugging around a heavy, clunky hard to use tripod. The final straw was misplacing the screw required to attach the camera to the Tripod Head. I went online at Adorama and found what I hope will be the perfect solution. It's a lightweight Magnesium Tripod Ball Head with a Quick Release Plate. I will leave the plate on the camera. I even bought an extra plate for the Fuji so that both cameras will be tripod ready at all times. It looks as if it pans but there is no lever so I'm not sure it will be as handy as I'd hoped. We'll soon see.
Sunday, July 5, 2009
Perspective Analysis
...Financial plan for the month needs to be considered
...Set some spending goals for maintenance
1. guest bathroom plumbing repairs
2. lighting for master bedroom and bathroom
3. railing for stairway
4. siding repairs
5. window replacement
...Get the planned shelves up and organized for both the kitchen and the bedroom
...Find a pattern for 'wristies' and begin a pair
...Take the dogs for a walk on the beach
...Set some spending goals for maintenance
1. guest bathroom plumbing repairs
2. lighting for master bedroom and bathroom
3. railing for stairway
4. siding repairs
5. window replacement
...Get the planned shelves up and organized for both the kitchen and the bedroom
...Find a pattern for 'wristies' and begin a pair
...Take the dogs for a walk on the beach
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Happy 4th of July
No particular plans set for my day.
Without a plan nothing to speak of happened.
Amber invited me over for conversation and waffles at the end of the day. I made good progress on my new diet. Other than the waffle I made no deviations from the plan. I would describe myself as highly motivated on this.
Without a plan nothing to speak of happened.
Amber invited me over for conversation and waffles at the end of the day. I made good progress on my new diet. Other than the waffle I made no deviations from the plan. I would describe myself as highly motivated on this.
Friday, July 3, 2009
Medical Day
Have an appointment to pickup a Glucometer, evaluated the pros and cons and dismissed the idea of checking my blood sugar. I went on to consult with a Dietician. I really enjoyed the session with her. Congruent thoughts about nutrition and a great plan for moving forward that will NOT be a huge change for me. Goal is steady weight loss with carbs limited to 30 grams/meal. No calorie counting at present.
I thought about driving to SF for the weekend. I wouldn't be able to leave until late afternoon and that puts me directly into 4th of July weekend traffic which is a BAD idea. I might be able to console Karin which is a GOOD idea and get some great fireworks shots. Karin released me from any obligation I might feel to be there while she is hurting with legitimate concerns about dog issues.
This year I will settle for Eureka Waterfront Fireworks if I can manage it without a functioning tripod.
I thought about driving to SF for the weekend. I wouldn't be able to leave until late afternoon and that puts me directly into 4th of July weekend traffic which is a BAD idea. I might be able to console Karin which is a GOOD idea and get some great fireworks shots. Karin released me from any obligation I might feel to be there while she is hurting with legitimate concerns about dog issues.
This year I will settle for Eureka Waterfront Fireworks if I can manage it without a functioning tripod.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Tidy Up the Loose Ends
Nothing planned got done.
Read on Facebook that Karin crashed her bike and got 7 stitches in her chin. Too far away to hug her and to comfort her.
Read on Facebook that Karin crashed her bike and got 7 stitches in her chin. Too far away to hug her and to comfort her.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Reorganizing and Settling In
Picked this bloom off the Ambassador Tea Rose. It must be 5 inches across. Very lush and fragrant. 2 more buds in sight.

Yesterday I rearranged the west side of the bedroom. Repositioned the bed away from the window wall to make way for some shelves under the window and balance the room. It's looking damn good in here.
Decided on shelving for the laundry room that will make the most of the additional storage space available in there. I will extend the shelves above the washer/dryer to wrap around the room (at eye level). Depending upon how that works it might just solve the problem of storage for the kitchen appliances in a way that doesn't break the bank.

Yesterday I rearranged the west side of the bedroom. Repositioned the bed away from the window wall to make way for some shelves under the window and balance the room. It's looking damn good in here.
Decided on shelving for the laundry room that will make the most of the additional storage space available in there. I will extend the shelves above the washer/dryer to wrap around the room (at eye level). Depending upon how that works it might just solve the problem of storage for the kitchen appliances in a way that doesn't break the bank.
Monday, June 29, 2009
New Approach
So here it is, the last week of June, my 2nd month back in California. Would you look at this forecast. Today has started out cool and overcast, a complete contrast to the cool and sunny mornings of last week. I can remember a 4th of July in Arizona where the temperature ranged from 102-104. I can also remember a 4th of July in Vancouver when it was in the 90s. I guess I did not need that air conditioner I moved with me.

Peggy and I have entered into a competition today. We are going to set some production standards and act as if our job depends upon achieving them. Accountability at 2 p.m.
Peggy and I have entered into a competition today. We are going to set some production standards and act as if our job depends upon achieving them. Accountability at 2 p.m.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Heavily Considering
A drive to Lagoon Creek for harvesting some driftwood and walking the dogs on a beautiful beach. Now my decision making is slowed by the comfort lunch I just ate. Those Curried Beans are fantastic and taste even better than they did yesterday.
Drove to Crescent City and found their WalMart. Confirmed they carry the Chlortabs and bought some. Took pics of the Lighthouse, Fishing Gear at the Marina, Beach flowers at Lagoon Creek. Stopped and watched the baby elk for awhile. Dogs seemed to enjoy the outing and so did I.
Drove to Crescent City and found their WalMart. Confirmed they carry the Chlortabs and bought some. Took pics of the Lighthouse, Fishing Gear at the Marina, Beach flowers at Lagoon Creek. Stopped and watched the baby elk for awhile. Dogs seemed to enjoy the outing and so did I.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
You'd Never Know It
This is summer along the North Coast of California. Fortunately I am used to the cool weather and as long as the sun makes an appearance for a minute or two each day I can be satisfied.

Day is starting out overcast and seemingly cool but the forecast is probably correct. Anxious to see that sun come out. No particular plans for the day but I'll probably spend an hour or so pulling weeds and tidying up* the front and back yards.
*Code for picking up the dog poop
Day is starting out overcast and seemingly cool but the forecast is probably correct. Anxious to see that sun come out. No particular plans for the day but I'll probably spend an hour or so pulling weeds and tidying up* the front and back yards.
*Code for picking up the dog poop
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sun is Now Gone
Cloud layer moved in from the Northwest and cooled things down for a few days. We'll still get into the 60s but without that bright sun that's so cheerful.
Medical procedures today and a trip to Safeway for Dogfood. The dogs each had a handful of steamed green beans with the last of their kibble. Keeps them from snacking on the foliage in the yard.
Today I plan to build some sparrow nesting places with my 2 empty coffee cans. Pictures to follow.
Medical procedures today and a trip to Safeway for Dogfood. The dogs each had a handful of steamed green beans with the last of their kibble. Keeps them from snacking on the foliage in the yard.
Today I plan to build some sparrow nesting places with my 2 empty coffee cans. Pictures to follow.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
And Yet Another Sunny Morning
Woke up to a TV that stayed on all night long. Bad Girl!!! The programmin I watched last night might have made that worthwhile. Need to locate the remote or replace it. Beautiful Sunny morning with a clear sky. Such a positive start to the day.
Shopped last night for the staples and basics I need to make sure my nutrition is sound and adequate. I'm assembling a binder to share with the Dietician on July 3rd.
Looking for a suitable social outlet for myself. Artist's Guild? Photography Class or club? Catholic Church Affiliation? Knitting group? Nutrition class? Plenty of options available.
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Gorgeous Sunny Morning
Could not believe the Sun this morning. Temp is still in the 60s but the sky is clear of clouds and the Sun has made its Royal appearance.
No decisions yet on how I will spend this day. Could drive to Trinidad for the Fish Festival but it will be crowded and parking could be a problem plus the dogs will have to go as well. May well be worth it for the photo ops though.
No complaints about my life here. Busy settling in to a routine.
No decisions yet on how I will spend this day. Could drive to Trinidad for the Fish Festival but it will be crowded and parking could be a problem plus the dogs will have to go as well. May well be worth it for the photo ops though.
No complaints about my life here. Busy settling in to a routine.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Strange ?!?!? Dreams
This time I was back living in the house on Metler Court and the neighbor (Stokes) was cleaning up their yard and threw dead and dying desert turtles over the Ivy Fence onto my sidewalk. Clumps of flesh that looked like masses of snakes or worms wriggled to get my attention. Now where in the world does something like that come from???
It has been 20 years since I lived there. The Stokes weren't at all like that. And Desert Turles, of all things, in the S.F. Bay Area?
It has been 20 years since I lived there. The Stokes weren't at all like that. And Desert Turles, of all things, in the S.F. Bay Area?
Friday, June 19, 2009
Strange Dreams
Moving trucks came back into my life in last night's dream. I suspect the message was to get this place looking less as if I had just moved in. I've been piddling my time in the garden and it can wait. What needs attention NOW is the downstairs. The remainder of those boxes harbor a few things I miss and want.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Happy Birthday Carole, wherever you are
I pause to reflect on Carole's life (and death). With this diagnosis of Hyperinsulinemia I prefer to do it right. Diet and exercise will get my full and mindful attention. Perhaps some nutritional support is highly indicated. I will go with the 60 day trial of the WOMEN TO WOMEN solution but only after consultin with the N.P. now monitoring my health.
A trip to Costco with restraint in mind. Combine it with an outing for the dogs and it could make for a great day for all 3 of us. OOOPS, restraint was non existent but I did stick with the diabetic meal plan while purchasing the meat and veggies. Bought a small Juicer to experiment with making my own Vegetable Juice.
Began the Metformin today to see what effect that might have on my blood Insulin Level.
Brilliancy Rock Rose, Brookside Cranesbill, English Tea Rose are all repotted and decorating the right side of the front yard.
Let's see if I can get through some of those boxes today and get some decisions made about the stuff I really DO NOT need.
A trip to Costco with restraint in mind. Combine it with an outing for the dogs and it could make for a great day for all 3 of us. OOOPS, restraint was non existent but I did stick with the diabetic meal plan while purchasing the meat and veggies. Bought a small Juicer to experiment with making my own Vegetable Juice.
Began the Metformin today to see what effect that might have on my blood Insulin Level.
Brilliancy Rock Rose, Brookside Cranesbill, English Tea Rose are all repotted and decorating the right side of the front yard.
Let's see if I can get through some of those boxes today and get some decisions made about the stuff I really DO NOT need.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Now That I Have a New Bank
Everything is wonderful, right??? Well, I have plenty of cash to take care of current obligations BUT I can't get the Debit Card to work. Even after changing the PIN it did not work, so I guess I have to wait 24 hours and try again. Rather than write checks or withdraw cash I will give it a day and see what happens. There really isn't anything I need today that can't wait until tomorrow.
On Thursday I will make the trip to Costco and get some photo paper and my prescription.
On Thursday I will make the trip to Costco and get some photo paper and my prescription.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
The Kitchen Comes Together
Butler Pantry gets delivered today. This will take care of all Food Storage issues for now. Next step is to order the wallpaper and get it up in the kitchen and dining room areas.
Doctor's appointment today. Followup on blood tests and the plan of attack for the medical issues. Diagnosis is: Hyperinsulinemia (sp). Need to watch the carbs!
I see the need for an Official Monthly Spending Plan. Keep a tight rein on those $ coming in. Savings goal is replacement windows and/or a Road Trip to Indiana!
Doctor's appointment today. Followup on blood tests and the plan of attack for the medical issues. Diagnosis is: Hyperinsulinemia (sp). Need to watch the carbs!
I see the need for an Official Monthly Spending Plan. Keep a tight rein on those $ coming in. Savings goal is replacement windows and/or a Road Trip to Indiana!
Monday, June 15, 2009
No Running Around Avoiding Responsibility
Sticking close to home today to see how much luck I can have getting a few things done.
Pine planter
Lattice for the Pink Bower
Clean and organize all 3 bathrooms
Tidy up the kitchen and dining room
Make the best use of the time available today
Pine planter
Lattice for the Pink Bower
Clean and organize all 3 bathrooms
Tidy up the kitchen and dining room
Make the best use of the time available today
Sunday, June 14, 2009
And One for Today
A Few Shots from Yesterday
I had fun watching a couple of young men practicing rock climbing.

At Houda Point I caught this view of surfers near the giant sea rocks.

At the Luffenholtz Beach Trail parking spot I caught a bumblebee gathering pollen.

And in Trinidad I found a small Catholic Church to attend on a day that might produce a sunset.

Here are a few of the photos I took yesterday. It was a relaxing two hours spent away from the burdens of life. Once home I concentrated on photo processing then had a surprise drop in visit from an old acquaintance, Noel R. We'll have to get together for some sociability soon.

At Houda Point I caught this view of surfers near the giant sea rocks.

At the Luffenholtz Beach Trail parking spot I caught a bumblebee gathering pollen.
And in Trinidad I found a small Catholic Church to attend on a day that might produce a sunset.

Here are a few of the photos I took yesterday. It was a relaxing two hours spent away from the burdens of life. Once home I concentrated on photo processing then had a surprise drop in visit from an old acquaintance, Noel R. We'll have to get together for some sociability soon.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Scouting Sunset Photo Sites

Around 10 a.m. I drove north to Westhaven and stopped at Moonstone Beach, Houda Point, Luffenholtz Creek and Trinidad taking 100+ pictures as I looked for great Sunset Locales. I like this one best for the foreground of Trinidad Head, Harbor and town. Plus there's a comfortable bench overlooking the scene and it's within 10 miles from here. Now for the perfect (or even just a good) sunset.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Fasting Blood Tests
Out of here by 8 a.m. for lab tests at Mad River Hospital. Let's dispel that notion of pre-diabetes and see where I stand on cholesterol.
The day started with a clear blue sky and sun. Quite beautiful and tempting. Should I take a drive somewhere? I have an errand to run in Eureka and will take the dogs and find a place where I can walk them safely with no fear of loose dogs.
Otherwise a day like all others. Unpack some boxes and make decisions on whether the stuff fits in with Simple Living or just clutters the environment.
The day started with a clear blue sky and sun. Quite beautiful and tempting. Should I take a drive somewhere? I have an errand to run in Eureka and will take the dogs and find a place where I can walk them safely with no fear of loose dogs.
Otherwise a day like all others. Unpack some boxes and make decisions on whether the stuff fits in with Simple Living or just clutters the environment.
Thursday, June 11, 2009
quick update
Business wise I am right on schedule. No unpaid bills. Problems resolved.
Home Improvement wise there's still a lot to be done. Getting ALL the boxes unpacked and organized into a reasonable attempt at Simple Living. Plumbing upgrades in the guest bathroom, vents in all 3 bathrooms, light fixture in the master bedroom, rot repair on the plywood fascia or trim around the windows front and back, eventual window replacement, repair and maintenance of the garage doors, landscaping front and back.
I do 'feel' I have a handle on it.
Today I have 2 errands and a nap in my future. (I awoke at 7:30 a.m. which is late for me but still feel the need for at least a power nap.)
Home Improvement wise there's still a lot to be done. Getting ALL the boxes unpacked and organized into a reasonable attempt at Simple Living. Plumbing upgrades in the guest bathroom, vents in all 3 bathrooms, light fixture in the master bedroom, rot repair on the plywood fascia or trim around the windows front and back, eventual window replacement, repair and maintenance of the garage doors, landscaping front and back.
I do 'feel' I have a handle on it.
Today I have 2 errands and a nap in my future. (I awoke at 7:30 a.m. which is late for me but still feel the need for at least a power nap.)
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Another 4 a.m. Awakening
At least it is quiet this time of the morning and being refreshed I am not resistant to whatever my mind thinks is important to accomplish. Yesterday I managed to 'waste' the day when I chose to take a nap rather than drive into Eureka to run a necessary errand. By the time I got to town SSA was closed. The good thing is that the dogs got their fresh kibble and won't have to eat canned chicken breast for a 2nd day. ;-)
Spent some time last night reflecting on the past 40 years. I can hardly believe the changes in my life as Karin has grown into a fine woman. Her generosity and intellect always uplift me.
So, for today, I really must seriously focus on finalizing the organization of the master bedroom. This is my sanctuary. It should be the most comfortable room of the house and right now it is NOT meeting that criteria.
Spent some time last night reflecting on the past 40 years. I can hardly believe the changes in my life as Karin has grown into a fine woman. Her generosity and intellect always uplift me.
So, for today, I really must seriously focus on finalizing the organization of the master bedroom. This is my sanctuary. It should be the most comfortable room of the house and right now it is NOT meeting that criteria.
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
4 a.m.
Cold, swollen hands, twittering birds and Minnie crawling under the covers woke me this morning. After 1.5 hours of PC time, massaging the hands, going through a box I can lay down again until the sun comes out.
Looks as if the sun has no intention of coming out this morning so I got up anyway when the dogs asked to go out. They are such sissies. Already back in bed.
Time for a shower then I'll hit the path to ORGANIZATION. Can't stop it so I might as well get with it.
Looks as if the sun has no intention of coming out this morning so I got up anyway when the dogs asked to go out. They are such sissies. Already back in bed.
Time for a shower then I'll hit the path to ORGANIZATION. Can't stop it so I might as well get with it.
Monday, June 8, 2009
5 a.m.
The Recycling truck came through and woke me up. Let the dogs out and made sure they had food and water before I fixed coffee and ate breakfast. Put a lot of time into my daily nutritional plan and analysis. I want to get this right and stay healthy.
Plan today includes a trip to SSA to turn in my W-4V. I might stop somewhere and look but not buy. I'm sure I could build a simple bird feeder from something on hand like a milk carton. The important thing is to get them coming not to impress them with a 'bird palace'.
Plan today includes a trip to SSA to turn in my W-4V. I might stop somewhere and look but not buy. I'm sure I could build a simple bird feeder from something on hand like a milk carton. The important thing is to get them coming not to impress them with a 'bird palace'.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Change of Address for Costco. Also did some shopping and got all I needed for a couple of weeks for just $70. Costco does have a place in my budget when I watch what I buy. Bought a wonderful looking roast chicken for this weeks meals and also bought stuffed salmon for a bit of variety.
Forgot to stop at Walgreens for the Hummingbird Feeder but I did find the Dept of Motor Vehicles and am now ready to renew the CA D.L.
Forgot to stop at Walgreens for the Hummingbird Feeder but I did find the Dept of Motor Vehicles and am now ready to renew the CA D.L.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Cultivate the front yard for planting hummingbird attractors and stop by the hardware store to check out the bird feeders. Build the decorative pine planter for in front of the fence. Unpack at least 2 more boxes today.
Got the shopping done then didn't feel like building the planter. Sunday should be a beautiful day for that. I did get the building materials I needed. Haven't found a bird feeder yet.
Got the shopping done then didn't feel like building the planter. Sunday should be a beautiful day for that. I did get the building materials I needed. Haven't found a bird feeder yet.
Friday, June 5, 2009
Slept in until 7:30 a.m. Goal today is a beautifully organized bedroom with the 'headboard' attached to the wall, closet shelving put together, last wardrobe box unpacked and put away. No more tip toeing around unopened boxes. If I can't find a place for the stuff I can always donate or repurpose it.
Sad to report I did not accomplish my daily goal. It will get done when it gets done then I'll take a picture to prove it.
Found THE perfect gift for Karin's 40th Birthday and bought it for delivery on June 10th.
Sad to report I did not accomplish my daily goal. It will get done when it gets done then I'll take a picture to prove it.
Found THE perfect gift for Karin's 40th Birthday and bought it for delivery on June 10th.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
A day I can be proud of: 6 boxes unpacked and put away. Found the 2nd tool box and sorted through it for useable tools only. Found the Stud Finder for jobs around the house. Coffeemaker and red cups and toaster finally showed up. Learned some packing lessons this move that I hope I never have to implement.
Set a few errands for tomorrow that won't overtax my delicate constitution yet will help me to feel productive.
Set a few errands for tomorrow that won't overtax my delicate constitution yet will help me to feel productive.
The Nursery yesterday turned out to be interesting but I did not buy anything at all. I saw some lovely specimen roses and peonies to consider as quick fixes but couldn't come up with a ground cover or color spot idea that suits me. Perhaps time and research will reveal a plan.
Today is maintenance: myself, the townhouse, the dogs.
Today is maintenance: myself, the townhouse, the dogs.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
First order of business: Address, Phone and Direct Deposit changes with Social Security. Accomplished by 8 a.m. *****
Second order of business: Bank account closures. Accomplished by 7 a.m. *****
Third order of business: Fix myself a REAL breakfast
Sketch out a plan for the day that will make me feel productive.
Second order of business: Bank account closures. Accomplished by 7 a.m. *****
Third order of business: Fix myself a REAL breakfast
Sketch out a plan for the day that will make me feel productive.
Monday, June 1, 2009

I am settling in. Life has changed somewhat. The whole dog walk routine has disappeared and the dogs haven't seemed to notice although Min does have a fixation on the leash and gets excited when she sees it. I should probably find a safe place to walk the dogs so the memory sticks with them. We all seem to be getting plenty of exercise from the stairs and my weight has actually dropped 5 pounds unexpectedly.
Yesterday the foxglove and jasmine got planted at the lattice. Today I will untie the jasmine from its support stakes and see if I can train it up the lattice. It will all come together in no time. It is so pleasant to see something growing out front.
2 major errands today: Bank and Social Security. A bit of yard cleanup, front and back and then concentrate on inside. Perhaps this is a good day to install the Medicine Cabinet I bought for the Master Bath. There is also the Medicine Cabinet downstairs but I might need someone with upper body strength to install it. Too bad there's not a handy man around the place.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
I've lived here a month now and have found nothing to complain about. Yes, I am somewhat isolated but civilized activity takes place here. Yes, I am surrounded by packed boxes but they will soon be unpacked. Yes, there are still many repairs to finish up on, mainly window replacement and plumbing, we will get there in due time.
The dogs have settled in and are quite happy with front and backyards. All I need is a good routine and the will to push forward.
The dogs have settled in and are quite happy with front and backyards. All I need is a good routine and the will to push forward.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Sat Here Stymied
for the morning because the PC wouldn't go online. Hitting the Reset on the Modem seems to have cleared up the problem.
Rested my hands most of the day.
Frustrated by Chase Bank I have decided to just close that account and open up a new account at the Credit Union. Their lack of progress on integration with WAMU is driving me nuts.
Rested my hands most of the day.
Frustrated by Chase Bank I have decided to just close that account and open up a new account at the Credit Union. Their lack of progress on integration with WAMU is driving me nuts.
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Scrap the front yard plans
Decided to switch to dog eared cedar planks for the front yard fence. It will match the fence on the West Side and is cleaner and faster than struggling with unavailable fence materials. I was hating the look of the Grapestakes anyway.
Today the 3rd toilet gets installed and the trim around the new slider gets added. Beyond that it will be some yard planning, general cleanup and unpacking another box or two.
I am frustrated by inadequate storage but can't really live with the unpacked boxes indefinitely.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Playing With Photos
Monday, May 25, 2009
Memorial Day

No particular plans for the day.
Started out the day by planting Foxglove in pottery and finding its ideal location (at least for now). Dug up Karin's stepping stones for ultimate disposition. 1 Foxglove and 2 Star Jasmine remain to be planted. I'm thinking the Jasmine need to be in a planter guarding the fence in the carport. It could eventually provide aromatic coverage for the rustic fence. I'm dressing up the inside of the fence with Lattice as a screen and a backdrop for something showy and 'climbing'. Need to get out my saw and customize the panels.
Just took a shower and shampooed my hair. Now I am feeling 'stylin'.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
No Sense Dwelling on Plans
What needs to be done:
1. Finish nailing up the fence posts DONE (came up short on the number of grapestakes) Shop for enough to cover 45" of fence - called Stockade Fencing I now know what I am ordering and Arcata Lumber can get it for me in a week.
2. Collapse the cardboard for the garbage pickup
3. Buy a garden shovel DONE
4. Plant the Foxglove, Jasmine (Hydrangea, Asparagus Fern and Sedum Angelina are planted)
5. Map the course for the walkway from carport to front door
6. Setup the Upside Down Tomato Planter and see if seedlings are still available
7. Find a disposition for yesterday's unpacked kitchen box and unpack another box
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Kinetic Sculpture Race

Today marks the 40th Anniversary of the Kinetic Sculpture Race in Arcata. At 10 a.m. I drove into town and wandered the square looking for photo ops. I am downloading 272 pictures I took there. No telling how many of them will be quality shots. Too many people oblivious to cameras pointing at a subject. Saw many bizarre people, got a Free Hug from a man dressed as a spotted dog, got scolded by a woman when I stood in front of her kids to get a good shot of a metallic chicken, listened to a brass band playing some cool big band music. Once the Noon Whistle blew and the race started the camera went above the heads of the crowd for who knows what shots. It was well worth the 2 hours I spent downtown.
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