Sunday, January 15, 2012

Update - Life in Citrus Heights

About a month ago, on my 74th birthday to be exact, the PT Cruiser was crushed by a Carport Roof. A month to the day I picked her up from Body Craft, repairs guaranteed for a lifetime by Geico. New roof, new windshield, apparently good as new. It was an interesting period of time to reflect on whether or not I need a car. Enterprise rented me a Jeep which spoiled my appreciation of the Cruiser. I could have 'gotten by' with public transportation and the occasional car rental. Something to keep in mind if and when the Cruiser is no longer a valid choice.

Life has settled into a routine of sorts. Farmer's Markets on the weekend, some exploration of burger joints and chinese food restaurants. A few outings but nothing of real note. What is coming to be a regular dinner engagement with the love of my life brings warmth and joy to the hearth and heart. Karin and Phil are nearby when I need or want to see my little family.

I'm loving living here. The weather suits me just fine. The house feels like home even though it's not 'there' yet. Most of the cardboard is secreted behind closet doors and/or upstairs in the spare bedroom/sewing room, out of sight and mainly out of mind.

If I'm going to cure all tendencies toward hoarding it will take an effort on my part to decide what to do about the excess. Too many quilting projects conceived but never planned and implemented leave me with few options. Shall I setup an Etsy store to market small quilted projects and/or sell off the fabric stash? Should I donate unwanted fabric to a quilting guild?

What do I want to do about my interests in photography, genealogy, knitting?

And, there is always the health issue of getting enough exercise for the body and soul and dogs.