Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Another Night of Active Dreams

Some of the same people in my consciousness as I awoke this morning. People long gone and out of my mind for awhile. Wonder just what the trigger is.

I'm starting the day with no particular plans. The sun is out and to the East it looks bright and beautiful. To the west that Marine Layer or low fog is hanging on the beach. After I am showered and cleaned up a bit I might consider an adventure of some sort.

Max woke up with a limp this morning. He resists all attempts at an examination. I will look his feet and paws over good and if it persists we'll need to go to a local vet. It looks as if it might have been a thorn in one of his toes. There are blackberry bushes in the backyard where he has been digging at the earth.

Ordered the wallpaper for the dining room and kitchen. Fortunately I have enough leftover to cover the Slider wall and can start on that tomorrow. Unfortunately the rest is on backorder until the end of the month. I can live with that.

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