Yesterday I got a bright idea for another knitting project: Snood or Neck Warmer or Cowl...
I found the perfect pattern for a start and will see how this works out for an idea for a Xmas gift. The first one will be white and a classic 2 by 2 Rib.
Not getting all that far. Hung some hooks to improve organization and will move the bookcase to another wall. Decluttering the bedroom is a large task but someone's got to do it. I prefer to live with possibilities instead of barriers.
Visited Amber and Kyle for awhile today. Ate some bean soup, discussed their plans for painting their house and took documentary photos of Amber's painting.
Yesterday I called to wish Bob a Happy 69th Birthday. This is the time of year that we are 69, 70 and 71.
This week's focus is on the Bedroom. I started today by hanging the Gold Silk Damask Chinese Lantern as my main light in the Master bedroom. Mission of the day is to clear off the Dresser. There are other surfaces that need attention as well. Let's see how I do today. Perhaps there will be a new and improved environment.

This is the Essence of the lighting scheme. The switch sits at the head of the bed giving me total control of the late evening atmosphere.
Robin texted me last night that the doctors have decided no radiation for her Esophageal Cancer. It has metastasized and is now Stage 4 with stomach and lung involvement. Let's pray for strength and hope.
Rather than increase the debt balance in this household I am holding to a 'pay as you go' plan for home improvement. What that means exactly is that I prioritize and delay needed repairs and maintenance until I can 'comfortably' afford to pay the plumber, electrician and/or handyman out of current monthly income.
In September I'm coming down to the wire after having paid to have my frontyard prepared to deal with potential winter drainage problems. Cory, my friend and hard working handyman, has moved about 3" of river silt from the front yard into the back yard where it will be mixed with brown and green matter to create a topsoil suited for planting an English Garden of sorts. If he sticks around long enough he will be my assistant in putting pavers in the front yard so that I don't have to wade Lake VW to get from the car to the front door. That looks as if it will be a piecemeal job at best. I have developed my 'Design Intent' but it will take time and money to actually create the environmentally friendly landscape I desire. Formal, yet NOT, and temporary in the sense it can all be replaced by a yard which is more traditional if the necessity arises.
As for the inside stuff: the bathrooms work to my satisfaction except for replacement of the basins (requiring another visit from the plumber) and the vent/fans which need to be done by a professional. The one bathroom light needing replacement can be done when I'm ready to shut off the power for awhile and take care of the dimmer switch replacement as well.
Outside, the siding will need replacing ASAP. Not something I can approach lightly. For now the Window Replacement will just have to wait or be done on a piecemeal basis.
Here I am fighting off the frequent urge to run off into the forest on another photographic adventure. The main way I've held back is to NOT organize the car for a road trip. Where does this wanderlust come from? Sometimes I feel as if I should just buy an RV that the dogs and I could travel in and take off across the country. I think it's a lack of roots at this stage of my life.
I've been resistant to making new attachments or starting anything that requires responsibility. I'm not certain it is anything new either. I've been dissatisfied for some time now with the ebb and flow of my daily life.
I have a couple of baby gifts to finalize and some knitting projects I've wanted to get busy with but I seem to have excuses for not getting to it.
The current pull is Crater Lake. I can see the drive up there, catching the lake at sunset and/or sunrise, driving on to Diamond Lake for views of Mt Thielsen. Looping down to Fort Klamath for a night in some cabin or on south to anywhere that's a likely adventure.
Minnie needed hand holding when she wanted out at 3 a.m. Trouble is she is now back in bed and I am wide awake a few hours earlier than planned. I can either make the most of the opportunity and get busy doing something or lay back down and toss restlessly for a couple of hours. I think I know what I am choosing to do.
I got back in bed for a continued rest. My back is still aching from the strain I put on it yesterday. I am able to walk up and down the stairs if I am careful but I should take it easy again today and see if it will heal properly. Perhaps a hot soak in Epsom Salts with soothe the muscle spasms.
Prescription refills, haircut, Driver's License... all things I could get done today.
to ride off into the sunset with dogs and camera. If I dally long enough it will be too late to make it much of an adventure.
Crater Lake has been calling to me. Not sure why since I've been there enough times to get the pictures I want but I'm antsy for another adventure. I can see taking care of errands in Grants Pass and then going up to Crater Lake and Diamond Lake before looping back through Roseburg or Klamath Falls. Perhaps even coming home through the Trinity Forest.
Hungering for natural beauty in the form of lakes and forests.
Moving forward at a steady pace. Small chores add up to progress.
The plumber comes tomorrow and hopefully I will end up with a bathtub and shower that is pleasing to use. I'm even having him replace the sink and faucet so that's going to be one mean bathroom when he is finished.
Next area of focus: the front yard.
Cory, Amber's friend, took a pick to the front yard and we hauled a few cubic yards of dirt to the Community Garden. We have at least another 6 hours of work before I can order the wood chips or redwood bark. Pavers will be added decoratively to enhance the container garden.
Decision points are: What depth might actually control the drainage issues created when the neighbor constructed a concrete berm over the drainage field? How sophisticated do I want to get with the actual front yard design? What I have in mind is a beam and paver plan which includes areas of ground cover or pebbles. It will have this 'look' about it.

Amazing. The greedy bird family returned once I topped off the 3/4 empty bird feeder. I also refilled the Finch Sock and placed it closer to the window. I will try to get photos of feeding birds. The goldfinch are quite striking.
I haven't seen the bird family now in a few days. The food is still out there but I hear no activity anywhere near here. The finches have even stopped visiting the Finch socks.
I feel a hint of Autumn in the air and wonder if that is the reason?
I'll continue putting out bird food just in case with no expectations of 'takers'.
It is a beautiful clear day at the beach. I would love taking the dogs on an exploration but the ankle isn't ready to support much activity yet. I paid the rent and Mastercard, wrote checks for medical bills and HOA. Feel a bit productive about what I was able to get done.
Bathed and doctored Max, poor baby, and managed to get off most of Min's excess fur. Tomorrow I might opt for an adventure.