Friday, November 27, 2009

Black Friday

Vienna Sourdough Toast with Peanut Butter×
Milk ×
Orange Slices
Cornbread Dressing ×
Green Bean Casserole ×

I am Thankful for...

A warm, clean place to lie my head at night. Adequate food to keep me healthy. Family and friends to provide the emotional support that keeps us loved and happy.

In spite of my usual isolationism I had a wonderful Thanksgiving Dinner experience. Cory invited me to the Sarabia's where a collection of 14 guests met in casual convivialness. I watched the Cowboys trounce the Raiders and ate a modest dinner surrounded by casual conversation.

Awakened by a 'nightmare' of sorts I will be up knitting for awhile in the middle of the night.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Doctor Checkup

Reckoning day has come. I might have to account for my decision NOT to take the Metformin as prescribed.

Didn't come down to that. I neglected to mention the medication and we didn't address the issue. I'll see how the blood insulin test works out and maybe it will be a moot one. If not it might require a decision to actuall do something the doctor suggests.

Veronica verified my suspician of a hairline fracture along the outer edge of my right foot. I now have a lump that is palpable there. Only instruction is for me to stay off the uneven surfaces.