Saturday, March 14, 2009

Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men

So much for what I'd planned to do. The car is packed, I am shampooed and bathed and dressed. Now I've shifted departure time to Sunday morning. Laundry and temporarily misplacing the Garage Remote turned my plans to dust.

The weather is contributing to my lack of enthusiasm as well. Might as well just buzz down I-5 and get there with no sweat.

Friday, March 13, 2009

The dogs and I will be heading out Saturday around Noon for California. I've decided to drive down the Coast and possibly stay Saturday night at Gold Beach, if I make it that far before getting tired.

I'll be spending up to a week at the Townhouse in Humboldt County getting it ready for move-in. Most important to get the locks rekeyed and evaluate the situation. Could possibly get the kitchen remodeling started while there.

I'll be taking down kitchen supplies and other items I anticipate needing for the cleanup.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lower Back Pain

I think I first noticed it Monday morning. It's gotten progressively worse to the point I spent most of Wednesday flat on my back. Hopefully it will resolve itself by the weekend as I'll be wanting to drive to Arcata and back.

Awoke restlessly at 4 a.m. this morning. After answering email, taking the dogs out and having a bit to eat I am ready to hop back into bed until a decent hour.

Slept an additional 3 hours and it seemed to be that last bit of relaxation to make a difference. I was able to vacuum the living room with no discomfort.
I still need to locate that back brace if possible.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

And the Good News Is...

Karin's tenant moved out without any real complaints and it seems he cleared up the problem of the damaged carpet by disposing of it. Now she can seal the floors and put down new laminate throughout the townhouse.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Maxwell Squeak

Max recently celebrated his 3rd Birthday with Chicken Jerky, Vitabone and Brewers Yeast Tablets. We didn't have a party.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Adventures of Don and Patty

Yesterday Don and I drove to Portland's Eastbank Esplanade for a stroll and a camera test. I shot with the 60mm lens which is good for Macros but not suitable for what I was shooting yesterday. We went at the height of sunlight and the weather cooperated until the last shots when it started snowing on us. 'twas an enjoyable couple of hours at any rate.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Portland at Night

Chris' Gallery show opened last night (1st Thursday) at Powell's BH Gallery in Portland. I met her friend Mario as I took the Society Pictures of the event. He graciously posed for this candid portrait.

Azteca Classico

Would you believe I hard the nerve to tell him he had a beautiful face! His bone structure was impeccably Aztec.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Silk Purse from a Sow's Ear

I did a bit of editing of the Echeveria and came up with a bit sharper image. What really makes this worthwhile though is color balance and composition.

Budding flowers of the Echeveria

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Desperate for something colorful to shoot I bought a small potted Echevarria and a Garden Gnome. Here's the only macro I took tonight that I was willing to share. The DOF is a bit shallow and I'm not sure I chose the proper focal point. I like the color balance of the rather abstract composition though.

Echevaria in Abstract

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Multi-Tasking Photo Assistant

Hans arrived in the Porch Planter this morning and got to work right away renovating the planter. Hans pauses for some photojournalism.
"I'll take a rain check on that Break."

Zwerk von Hans Garden
Photo Assistant
I invited Hans along on the Dog Walk today. Unsuccessful attempt. He posed next to a pansy but the dogs just acted like cats (refused to be herded). There will be future opportunities I am sure.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Portland at Night

Amongst the 1st shots was this panorama at dusk. Lots of sky drama and the Fremont Bridge peeping under the Broadway in the background
In spite of the threat of rain Chris and I headed out for the Rose Quarter to shoot the Broadway Bridge. We found the ideal spot in the Employee Parking across from the Coliseum.

From there we stopped at Union Station where there really wasn't enough light to satisfy me for a front view.

My favorite shot of the night was probably this capture of the Crystal Ballroom at 14th and Burnside.